Project TELL
At its very first participation at the Spaceport America Cup, ARIS won the Charles Hoult Award for Modeling and Simulations for its technical achievement – one of the ten main awards of the competition. Despite a motor failure and the resulting explosion of the rocket a few seconds into the flight, the project TELL was very well received for its technical and operational excellence.
Project HEIDI
With project HEIDI, ARIS – in the second year of its existence – competed for the second time at the Spaceport America Cup in New Mexico and made the second place in its category of 10’000ft and commercial-off-the-shelf solid motors with a nominal flight.
Project RHEA
As a team of 10 students, project RHEA developed the first ever student-built rocket engine test stand in only one year, which lays the auspicious foundation for future engine development projects. Additionally, the first generation of a hybrid rocket engine was designed, manufactured and tested.
Project EULER
In the third year, project EULER is aimed for the first flight to a height of 30’000ft at the SPAC 2020 in New Mexico.
Project IRIDE
The focus project IRIDE developed the next generation of hybrid rocket engine. Several test firings with different injector and nozzle configurations led to a peak thrust of almost 8 kN and to firing duration of up to 16 seconds.
In 2020, three new teams started to space career with the aim of launching the rocket PICCARD at EuRoC with the self developed hybrid rocket engine by team DAEDALUS. Team PHOENIX demonstrated a first version of an Automated Guided Recovery mechanism for sounding rockets.
Projects 2021
In 2021 ARIS launches three additional projects joining the portfolio of last years projects. In the coming year ARIS will be developing a CubeSat, a Liquid Rocket Engine and an Unmanned Underwater Vehicle.